Seeing is Believing


There are countless dreams still unfulfilled, countless people wishing for things that seem so unachievable, countless negative people telling us we can’t, we aren’t able, we’re just not lucky enough or strong enough to get there.1030afcab52e30d967384de69399fe24

Well, guess what? If we put our minds to it we can! Our self belief is something that drives us so much yet we often don’t take the time to work on it. Our mindset really will determine whether we succeed or not. For example, if we go for a job interview thinking “I know I won’t get it”, chances are, you won’t. If you go for the very same interview telling yourself you ARE the best candidate and WILL get that job, chances are you will!


So, how do we work on our mindset? There are plenty of mindset books to read or cds to listen to, just google mindset books and you’ll find loads. Here though, I’ll give you a few quick tips that have helped me gain self confidence and belief for life in general and my network marketing business Lifetree World.

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  1. Dream Journal– Where do you want to be in a few months? A year? 2,3,4,5 years time? Keep a journal and write down what you’ve done, what you can do and what you will do to get closer to those dreams.4d69d8cfc46d7_P2260048.JPG
  2. Dream Board – Find images of what you desire most, start small, finish big. So you could start with ‘getting out of overdraft by September’, find an image that represents being debt free. By the end of the dream board, your main ambitions will be on show, do you want to take your children to Disneyland, or buy a yacht and travel the seas? Put your dream board in a place where you will always see it, so that, even when you don’t realise it, you will be subliminally acknowledging what you are going to achieve. Click the following links to read Wendy at Brilliance Within’s blogs all about Dream Boards How to Create a Dream Vision Board by Wendy at Brilliance Within  How I created My First Vision Board Magic by Wendy at Brilliance Within
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive People – There will always be ‘Negative Nellies’ around, you just need to know when to step away from them, seek out people who are similar to you, who have similar goals to you. Positivity or negativity will influence your mindset, best to be influenced by a positive person than a negative one don’t you think? 🙂Negative-Nelly
  4. Imagine – Imagine yourself being where you want to be, use your 5 senses, what can you hear, smell, taste, touch and see when you are there? Visualise it daily, try and do things that bring you closer to that reality, for example, if you want an Audi TT, go and test drive one, savour that feeling when you drive it, one day you will be driving one of your very own.7584324-Modern-eye-glasses-with-sea-reflection-Stock-Photo-sunglasses-glasses-sun
  5. Be grateful – for what you already have, family, friends, home etc. To attract more you need to be grateful for what you already have. Say thank you for them, repeat to yourself or write them in a gratitude journal. Say thanks for what you will receive in the future, as if it is a done deal.attitude-of-gratitude
  6. Affirmations – Write down daily affirmations, for example, if you want to lose weight you could use..I love being physically fit and I lost enough weight so that I am at my ideal weight. If you wish to be debt free you could use.. Each day I am becoming more financially healthy. You should repeat the daily affirmation to yourself as often as possible throughout the
  7. Wake up – Instead of rolling out of bed with a sleepy head, set the radio on your alarm or pick a favourite cd and put it on, get up and dance! If you’re worried you might wake your neighbours up, get the music on in the car on the way to work. Start your day in a positive way and success and positivity will follow you wherever you go 🙂

Wishing you every success and happiness,


Sharon xx

Going against the grain!



Once upon a time I used to have this idea that finding a 9-5 job was the done sensible adult like thing in order to provide an income and security for my family. Oh how my life has changed and my views alongside it! After witnessing friends struggle with redundancy threats, juggling childcare and having limited family time I decided to go against the grain and take the plunge to become self-employed!

I truly believe taking this step has actually offered me more security, by this I mean I am in CONTROL! I get to pick the days/hours I wish to work, select my holiday periods, get bank holidays as standard and most importantly I am in charge, I can’t begin to describe how empowering that feeling is.

I am aware though that sometimes circumstances change and as a childminder I can often find myself in the situation where I may need to start looking for new mindees, yes this can be stressful as I still have bills to pay………but do you know what that’s ok because I have a backup plan!

About six months ago a friend introduced me to the world of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing for those of you unfamiliar with the term) and after some thought I jumped at the chance to give it a go. I know I am a very friendly bubbly person who loves to meet to new people so it seemed perfect, my husband however refers to my people skills as being able to talk the hind legs off a donkey! Whilst I love the company and products I have struggled to find the time and energy that it really needs me to commit to so when I came across Lifetree World and this unique concept of no selling I became intrigued! Needless to say after looking into it, I decided it was a no brainer really!

What I love most about Lifetree World is that it totally goes against the grain of your traditional MLM business, offering an exciting chance to be part of something revolutionary. Earning through simply shopping………yes you read that right and I have the proof sitting in my back office! Not only can I fit it in and around all my other commitments but working alongside a team of such talented ladies has helped me to develop my own skills, for example I would never have dreamt in a million years I would be sitting here today learning how to blog, but that’s what happens when you have a great team, you help to inspire each other.

I have learnt most importantly that the only limits in my life are the ones I place on myself, for example yesterday I took the chance to cook a beef stew in the slow cooker without a recipe to hand, anyone with OCD will understand this was a real challenge! Well I gave it a go, throwing in my tin of chick peas from my recent LTW hamper for good measure, crossed my fingers and waited anxiously for dinner time to arrive.

Do you know what I learnt?

  • I can actually cook, the kids approval and clean plates is proof of this.
  • I actually do like chick peas!
  • Sometimes taking a chance provides a positively surprising outcome!

So all in all here’s to going against the grain and having faith in the choices we make today, tomorrow and for the future!


Emma x


Something IN my Genes


So my question to you is what makes your heart SING?  What is it that excites and motivates you?

I was an ‘Army brat’ so I was fortunate enough to live abroad due to my dad’s postings.   We didn’t live full time here in the UK until I was 11 so I had plenty of adventures growing up.

That’s where my passion for travel comes from … I think it also explains why when I look at my career history I’ve changed roles every 2 – 3 years (which is the normal time frame for a posting).  Not that my mum and dad would agree.

So I’ve been trying to escape the UK pretty much since I was 11 (I’m still here by the way …. West Sussex in fact) and although I’ve made it quite far afield I always ended up having to come back – mainly due to lack of funds!

I was going to say I’ve been lucky enough but truth be told I had to work bloody hard in order to save up enough money to go travelling …twice.  The trips were 10 years apart, the first time I went I was 23.  I can say hand on heart that my second trip was THE best out of the two and THE best year of my life to date.

My passion for travel is what prompted me to look into network marketing that and the fact that I was closer than ever to reaching 40 and I wasn’t living the life that I wanted! There are still so many places to see and experience….


So I did a little bit of research and was amazed at what I found out

network marketing sectors

I didn’t personally know anybody that was involved in network marketing and earning serious money from it in fact I only knew a few people that did Avon on the side….I also didn’t realise how many Multi Level Marketing companies there were out there.

So back in March 2015 I started my network marketing career.   I developed a belief in the company and its products.  Now this obviously didn’t happen overnight but I had the vision and the enthusiasm.  I won’t bore you with the ins and outs but roll on a year later and I was no further forward and I felt like a complete and utter failure.  I knew it was me right, because people were earning, some even 6 and 7 figures …. It all came down to one thing that I realised I wasn’t happy with – SELLING.

So what to do now?  I was no nearer my dream of being able to sack the boss and travel more.….well thanks to Facebook I saw a post that piqued my interest.

So I asked for more information and I found:-

  • A company that was revolutionary in its concept
  • That I could get in at a grass roots level as it was founded in February 2015
  • Had seen consistent growth
  • Like any other multi level marketing company – uncapped income
  • I COULD EARN SIMPLY BY SHOPPING AND SHARING (redirect some of my normal shop through Lifetree World and share the idea)

I couldn’t believe there was something like this out there, just buy branded items and get paid for it … what’s more the company does genuinely want this opportunity to be accessible to anyone and everyone and I love that.  After all we all have to eat don’t we?!

I’m incredibly proud to be an Independent Business Owner with Lifetree World and part of Team Sequoia.



To top it all off, not only does the company offer great incentives but our wider team does as well and this was the latest update today….AMAZING


So if you’re not living the life you want then why don’t you just ask us how we can help you change it ….

These are just a few of the moments when I’ve quite literally been singing my heart out (silently) and why I can’t wait to experience more….

All my love

Jo xxx





Life can be so random sometimes I think …. or is it?


I was just thinking how an opportunity can come our way so unexpectedly yet when you look at the path you’ve been on – it’s not such a surprise after all.

Let me explain – I’m involved in network marketing and never in a million years did I think I would ever have my own business, yet here I am.   How did I come to be in this business? Well I met Claire Dixon through another network marketing company and truth be told I happened to notice a post of Facebook about her new business that got me intrigued …

So from the comfort of my sofa I unashamedly Facebook stalked her and saw her business start to DEVELOP, so much so that when I saw this next post it decided it for me.

So I joined the business and was placed in her downline under Emma and alongside Sharon and Vicki.

we don't meet people by accident

When I say we, I mean us the fabulous four and our respective teamies, have now found the vehicle that can change our lives all by simply doing our grocery shopping and sharing the opportunity.


We have been consistent in our daily activities and we’re starting to reap the benefits

  • Our respective teams are starting to EXPAND
  • Our followers on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have all been on the INCREASE.
  • Our self confidence and belief knows no bounds and continues to GROW

We all want to BE SUCCESSFUL and that will not be to the detriment of anybody. We’re in this together and the beauty of this business is that we want you, our potential business partners to DO WELL and SUCCEED.

As part of Team Sequoia we will help you build up a business that will THRIVE and FLOURISH.


All the best,

Jo x


Aye up down South, from us up North!


Aye up lads and lasses,

Naaar then, I’m gonna let you in on a few stereotypes us lot up ‘ere ‘av of you lot down south. Call it pay back for you lot thinking we all wear flat caps and own at least 10 whippets! 😉


Eeh bah gum!

I’ve been to ‘t’ big capital, where everyone who talked to me wanted me to do a Peter Kay impression. “It’s spittin'” I’d say, referring to the not too worrying amount of rain, “Ya know, that fine stuff that gets ya wet!” What a hoot!

When you ask how long my Dad wa’ down ‘t’ coal mine I reply, “Abart as long as yours were up ‘t’ chimney”.

And by heck, ya can’t stand ‘t’ cold can ya! Bit of a breeze and you’re wrapped up like eskimos, (as opposed to your usual pearly king attire). Our Yorkshire lasses go out on night outs in the middle of winter with less material than you lot have on yer silk tuxedo pocket hankies!

Thar’s another thing, where’s thar lot get off charging mi life’s savings for a thimble full of wine? (Note I usually have pints of best Yorkshire bitter but for some reason I always feel the need to drink big softie drinks anywhere south of Birmingham to fit in with the posh folk!)


Glad the drinks are larger measures in Yorkshire!

Anyway, hope you good old southerners can take a joke, I’m only kidding ya all, love ya really. (I actually work with teamies from down south with my Lifetree World business and love it).

Yorkshire is STILL the best thing since sliced bread though and ya can’t deny that can ya 😉

Lots of love your big Yorkshire pudding,

Single Yorkshire Pudding for cut out Keywords: Baking Batter source: FOODPIX

Sharon xx





Hit the snooze Monday blues!


So as Buddy Holly sang, today was indeed ‘Blue Monday!’………that dreaded feeling when the alarm goes off at 7am and you realise you now need to start the week over counting down the days once again until you get to Saturday!


I always have the best intentions on a Sunday, to start the week fresh faced, on time and to get everyone ready calmly and methodically, with military precision! It really is laughable as instead it goes a little like this……….alarm, hit alarm and snooze, alarm again, hit and proceed to check facebook (swear I have an addiction!) and then at 7:40am………yes I know you would think I would learn!!! I suddenly panic, screech for the kids to get up, frantically scramble for clothes, get the kids dressed and fed whilst trying to break up the constant bickering between my two youngest! We then pile out of the door in a desperate bid to make it on time…….quite proud to say this is achieved 99% of the time!
Once the school rush is over I get to come home and clear up the carnage from the morning in preparation for my job as a childminder. I would like to point out I am much more organised in this role!!! I look after several children and I absolutely love my job, infact I really can’t see myself ever doing anything else, well except from earning by grocery shopping through Lifetree World.

My afternoons tend to be mellower but dinner time it is what can only be described as a………demolition derby! Dishing dinner up to 5 very hungry children always reminds me of the pizza scene in Home Alone (one of my fave films by the way!) We get there though and before I know it 6pm has arrived and my working day is over.

This is pretty much the standard repeat for the rest of the week and Buddy certainly hit it on the head when he said Sunday he had to get his rest because I agree Mondays are always a mess!

All my love, all my kisses


Swimming Against The Tide


Underestimate the stress of shopping with children at your peril! I’d been looking forward to a bit of retail therapy with my daughters, bliss!! I was thinking, well, just one pair of shoes, a new handbag, a couple of shirts for work now the summer’s thinking of arriving, you know how it is.

Well, in the future when shopping for myself I will shop on my own, nobody to explain to or referee. Yep, I took 2 of my daughters. You’d think at 18 and 10 they’d get on? Oh how wrong that assumption was haha. I would rather do a stint in Alcatraz than take both of them together again. One on one? Fab. Together?? Errrm, let me think about that.. NOPE. I went in to that shopping centre looking quite good, I came out looking like the Hulk!


Grrrr!! Stress!! Not only was I swimming against the tide of shoppers (why is there an unwritten rule which way to walk down the aisles and why is it I’m always the ONLY one going the right way??) I was now official referee and nominated clothes holder for my girls. Long gone were the aspirations of leisurely browsing until I spotted what I liked, now it was stop the girls killing each other and don’t make eye contact with the next person you accidentally bump into!!

On a brighter note, both my girls got some lovely bargains. I however, got a headache!! 😉

All I can say is, thank goodness I do my grocery shopping online with Lifetree World. Phew!!

Have a great weekend folks, all my love, Sharon xx

Nailed It …. Just

How I have made it to the ripe old age of thirty-something with all my friends and own teeth in tact, really is a mystery!!
I start most days waking up…. (Correction – I have a four year old)….. I start most days being WOKEN up, and generally feeling pretty chipper! (Apart from also questioning how the hell it’s morning, why I didn’t get to bed earlier the night before and whether a child has a snooze button hidden somewhere??)
I begin the day with GREAT intentions – mainly with the thought of enjoying a quick 10 minute meditation, sipping a glass of hot water and lemon and squeezing in my 5k run all before skipping off to my day job as a Software Tester!
Truth be told, my morning ‘meditation’ ACTUALLY means having another 10 minute snooze. My hot water and lemon is REALLY a gulp of the day old glass of squash by my bed and that 5k run….. Yeah….. It sounds good in my imagination – in reality I can’t climb my stairs without secretly praying that a few of those pesky steps would disappear over night!!
So, instead of looking like one of those pristinely pruned models from the dove deodorant ad, I look like a hot mess in no state to face the world let alone step out of the house and pretend to be an adult! I mean, come on – we’re all winging it really! Aren’t we? Or am I the only one wondering how I’m supposed to act as an adult when I still won’t go upstairs at night without putting the light on first??!
I’ve never really been great with technology either – which, taking into account the industry I work in, is slightly amusing if not worrying! I can’t even work out how to sync my mobile…. Whatever ‘sync’ actually means!
With that in mind, I still toddle off to the Card Factory every December to buy my trusty paper diary for the coming year! Pink, glittery, covered in Unicorns; the louder the better!
This little diary gets me through doing all the adulty type stuff I’m expected to do in life, and at the right time each day! I rely on this little book of empty lines more than I rely on myself!! Which is why I have no idea how on earth I have managed to sit outside my chiropractors for half an hour on Tuesday evening, before finally ‘double checking’ my diary and discovering I was early….. TWO DAYS EARLY!!!! Then this evening, I was pottering about after taking a half day off work before heading to get my holiday nails done,  when at about 6:15pm I ‘checked’ my magic little book again only to discover my appointment WASN’T at 6:30pm tonight (as I had thought) but at 6pm!! I still had to get cash out too!!! I scrabbled for Laura’s number to call and grovel for my abysmal mishap whilst hatching a plan to get some cash out on the way!! Anyway ….. You’ll all be pleased to know, I made it!
The lovely Laura Nails wasn’t cross and made another beautiful job of my finger tips and I made it through another day…. JUST…… I kind of made some adulty choices too – like choosing a virgin Pina Colada at lunch, what time the little person went to bed and which wine to drink tonight but it seems the moral of the story is:
1: I CAN’T be trusted to be an adult!
2: A paper diary is fantastic….. If you READ IT!!!
3: Being a Lifetree World Business Owner STILL hasn’t ignited my ‘organised’ streak….
4: Making it through the day with a smile on your face is more important than how you get through it! So plaster that smile on and let the rest of the day do the hard work!
Lots of love,
Vicki xxxx

The Vacation Panic Station!

Do you ever wonder what an overweight thirty something mum of one wears on her first beach holiday since losing her waistline somewhere in the bottom of a mound of takeaway boxes?? Yeah – me too!!

To say I’m embarrassed of my shape nowadays is a bit of a whopper! I am MIGHTY self-conscious of where I’ve got to but I know it’s all just down to my eating habits so I can’t sit and complain!
Mind you – since joining Lifetreeworld, I’ve been enjoying far too many cookies and treats after doing the ‘add to basket’ trick more times than one person really should!
I think perhaps I need to focus more on the chopped tomatoes and rice for a while…..maybe indefinitely!!

Time to do something about it before our holiday arrives……. Oh wait!! That’s less than a week away!!!

Oh my….!!!!

The horror and excitement when I realised this, was profound! The thought of exposing more skin than my usual limit of ankles and wrists sends my crisp eating hand into a quaver …. Ooops my bad …. quiver!! But it’s going to happen so I NEED to get some sort of ‘swimwear’ organised…. And PRONTO…. So, off I trot, (with my freshly painted holiday tootsies), to the mega sale at good old BHS!

I selected an array of beautifully coloured tankinis! These magical inventions that mean I don’t have to share my tummy with the world ….(unless I feel like it….) but am able to feel like a young mum and not a plus size mum trying to hide my body!! They’re simply inGENIUS! Who’d have thought it?

So clearly, I have bought four in different colours, (plus a swim suit incase of a super self-conscious day), plus another from good old Asda! I feel, prepared.

So, I WILL be showing more than just my Kankles and wrists …. And I WILL be in that pool making a fool of myself!! This is our first family holiday abroad and my husband is about to embark on a new future as he leaves his job and I will be the Belle of the poolside in my pretty ‘I’m a big girl but right now I don’t care’ tankini’s…….

Happy holidays,

Love Vicki xxxx


Happy Hump Day

Funny how you can always get up after a late night when you’re not going to work, or is that just me?

Today made a really nice change as a) I was off work and b) I got to mix business with pleasure.

When I first looked at Lifetree World I asked a couple of friends who had network marketing experience if they had heard of them, they hadn’t but could see the potential and that got me even more excited. I trusted my gut instinct but to have them confirm what I already thought… well….

I had sent them some info and left it with them, one friend soon came back and said that it wasn’t for her as she didn’t want to take anything else on and then Cheryl messaged me to say that she was definitely interested and would like to come on board. Result.

I’ve got previous network marketing experience and before, every ‘no’ used to cripple me with self doubt and anxiety and every ‘yes’, well, filled me immediately with angst – the responsibility of showing them the ropes and more to the point I knew how hard I had found it to sell anything, so would they find the same and would they be able to earn (decently) from it. So really I couldn’t win could I.

When my friend said ‘no’, I felt fine… Not the I’m fine on the outside but inside I just want to curl up and hide from the world because I’ve been rejected again kinda fine (this might sound overly dramatic, however trust me on this one because having heard 100’s of no’s and hardly any yes’ it gets kinda soul destroying). I did actually feel fine.

Then Cheryl said yes and I was so bloomin excited, I couldn’t wait to meet up and go through everything and get her on board.

So today was the day and even the train and tube journey to Covent Garden didn’t take the edge off my excitement. It was so lovely to see Cheryl, catch up and put the world to rights – I even got treated to lunch @ Jamie’s Italian (great service & fab food btw).

So Cheryl is all signed up and ready to shop and that quite simply is it, that’s all she has to do. What’s more I’m not full of angst or anything else that remotely resembles worry…Why? Because there is NO selling…I can show people how their shopping can eventually pay for itself and earn more besides. Today I took another step closer to sacking the boss, today was a really good day.

p.s I made a blogging faux pas in not taking any pics (epic fail) so I can only apologise x


Lots of love Jo xx

